Home appliance diy

General appliance repair tips.

Please read the smallprint below ,before accessing this site.

Use caution when repairing electrical appliances ,with the machine always unplugged from the mains supply.

I have been repairing domestic appliance for over 25 years and my knowledge has been recorded on this site .

The information in this site is free for anyone to read as you wish as long as you read and understand the smallprint.

These pages are demonstrations of how i repair various faults.

If you have a problem with your machine let me know and i will try to do a page on it or if you need advice

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Contact me at Appdiy@yahoo.co.uk

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Home Appliance Diy

Hotpoint Indesit filling problems

If the appliance is locking the door but not filling ,check the motor brushes first,


image one Before you start check the water is turned on at the tap and there is no kinks in the hose (It could work when it`s pulled out but when you push it back in it kinks the hose and wont fill or fills very slowly).

image two
To understand the filling process you must know how and when it fills.

This is the Indesit drawer,the machine starts filling from the prewash valve (compartment 1) for a few seconds ,then empties for a second ,and the ball in the sump raises to block the hole off,it stops all the detergent going straight into the sump , then it fills from the wash valve (compartment 3) untill it reaches the required level.

If the prewash valve fails it will wait untill it gets to the wash stage before it fills. If the wash valve fails it will fill from the prewash then stop .

If either valve fails it will not take the conditioner ,on a rinse it fills from the prewash.

image three

This is the hotpoint drawer and the machine starts filling from the prewash valve (compartment 1) for a couple of seconds , then it fills from the wash valve (compartment 3) untill it reaches the required level.

If the prewash valve failes it will wait untill it gets to the wash valve stage before it fills.
If the wash valve fails it will fill from the prewash then stop.

If either valve fails it will not take the conditioner (compartment 2).On a rinse it fills from the prewash.

This is the ball in the sump hose , it goes from the pump to the bottom of the drum.

image four

image five This is another type ( split drum type) of ball in the sump hose , it goes from the pump to the bottom of the drum.

image six

These are the valves.The wash valve fills compartment 3. The prewash valve fills compartment 1.Both the prewash and the wash will fill compartment 2 for the softner. The dryer valve (only on washer dryers) sends water to the condenser for the dryer ( the steam hits the water and turns it back to water ). On the rinse it fills from the prewash valve and on the last rinse it takes the conditioner ,so both valves come on.

image seven
To check the valves you need a multimeter and measure the resistance across the terminals.Here i selected 20K ohms and got a reading of 3.74K.The coils are ok.Some times the valves let water through even though they are off.

image eight
Here is the washing machine valve. The valve coils can be removed (to be replaced or turned round on new components),the terminal covers can also be removed to gain better access to terminals.

image nine As the water level rises the air is pushed up the pressure hose and operates the pressure switch.

image ten
This is the linear pressure switch it works off a coil and magnet,so it knows exactly how much water is in the machine.To reset it , empty all the water out then disconnect the pressure hose and refit it.If there is no water ( or it thinks there is no water ) in it then it wont pump out.

image eleven Alot of the problems are down to blockages.As you see from the picture there is a buildup of gunge and it blocks the holes.

image twelve
Sometimes clothing (socks etc) get stuck in drum and block this hole arrowed ,and as it fills ,it causes water to come out of the dispenser drawer .Also if the filter is blocked ( or partially blocked ) then the machine will go into a spin with water in it and throw it out of the dispenser drawer.